The G.O of Mountain of fire and Miracles Ministries (Dr. D.K. Olukoya said he has learnt not less than 250 lessons from the Pandemic saga.
He said everyone should learn lessons from it also and adjust their lives from the Pandemic that life is vanity, Dr. Olukoya said many Pastors have died, though not from Mountain of Fire.
He said the Pandemic is real and Building human being is better than building structure. He said Quenching the rage was a program initiated early this year, to protect all members especially those who took part.
The G.O. said he did not want to sound like a prophet of doom during his new year prophecies, 2020 that when Churches re-open fully, it will never be business as usual.
He went further and said people should take a honest look at themselves and put structure in place in case something like this happens again. Many Pastors may not have congregation again after the lockdown.
MFM will not re-open now for the reason of our peculiar deliverance nature. No deliverance programs for now.
Dr D.K. Olukoya said when MFM Churches are all opened, for some time, the he will minister online for about one hour, then the Pastor in charge will take his announcement and close the Service.
He encouraged the churches under MFM to Use this time now to get their thermometers, Hand Washing equipment sanitizers, face mask etc ready.
Finally the G.O. said the 70 days fasting and prayers will start in September, 2020. The books are in production now. Everyone should follow the laid down protocols for COVID-19 in their respective States. When all the requirements are met, then the Compliance Committee visit the Church to ensure compliance, if satisfied, a letter of clearance will be issued before they can now open the Church for Services.
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