Follow the steps below
1. Register on poloniex. Its a.cryptocurrency exchange website that lot of transactions can be done. Eg Bitcoin etc.
After your registration, check your email to confirm your poloniex account.
2. Next Please Login And Click Account then Balance Then select Deposit & Withdraw
3. Find CLAM name can also Use ctrl + F to Find CLAM coin Name
4. Then Click On Deposit To Create Clam Wallet Address
5. Once In Click Will Appear CLAM Coin ADDRESS
Address is in COPY / Save ..
6. This is your CLAM coin address please copy.
1. Sign up on Free Bitcoins here
2. After your registration, check your email to confirm your account. Now go back to the site.
3. Click On Login Menu In Top Left Corner
4. Click on Get Free Coins Menu Then Select Cryptocurrency Faucet
5. Next Enter the CLAM Coin Purse Address Which Was Created At STEP 1
Then Checklist Drop Menu to Get CLAM coin Every 1 Minute
Do 10 x drop to open Hourly drink every hour
To get 0.001CLAM Bonus Each Time Request TIP
6. Doing Drop will appear as below and CLICK Request another tip for to Drop Again ..
And Do it the way it goes on until you are tired ..... Your free bitcoin will reflect on your cryptocurrency account.
Good luck guys....
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